TAPAS project will be present at the Aquaculture Europe event from the 7th of October in Berlin, Germany. Meet the TAPAS team at the AquaBioTech Group booth, at stand number 108-109-119 and get to know more about the project results by visiting our presentation. Stephanie Palmer from University of Nantes will present TAPAS under the session of “Climate change” on the 8th of October at 15:10 in Room 5. Pauline O’Donohoe from Marine Institute – Foras na Mara will introduce TAPAS’s sustainable aquaculture technologies on the 9th of October at 10:30 in Lounge1-3. Arnaldo Marin from University of Murcia will present in the session of “Environment/Aquaculture Interactions” at 15:10 in room 1, while Vagelis Chalkiadakis from Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – HCMR will introduce their underwater vehicle used for automated inspection of net pen cages at 15:30 in the Festival room. Pierre Gernez from University of Nantes will present with the title of “High resolution satellite remote sensing of red tides in shellfish farming coastal waters’ on the 10th of October at 9:00 in Exhibition 2. Trevor Telfer from University of Stirling will introduce TAPAS’s Aquaculture Sustainability Toolbox under the session of “Governance, policy, regulations and strategic planning at 10:20 in room 4, and Laurent Barille from University of Nantes will present in the ‘Cage system and offshore structures” session at 15:50 in room 5. Don’t miss out on the poster presentations of TAPAS at boards 12,13 and 481.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 678396.